Aiden Mapel

Hometown: Southwick, MA
Date of Birth: August 23, 2002

Notable Accolades: 4th place at NBX Grand Prix of Cyclocross in the Junior 18-18 UCI Field.

Best Moment Racing: CycleSmart International because it is 45 minutes away from my hometown and even closer to my family so all my friends and family come out to watch and cheer everyone on!

First Memory on a bike: Racing BMX every Friday night at my local BMX track’s starting at age 3

Favorite Part of Being on the Team: It’s like one big happy family!

Favorite Pop Tart: Brown Sugar Cinnamon.

Favorite Post-Race Meal: Steak Burrito

Hidden Talent:  I ski race and have been skiing since I was 3 years old.


Nick Lando


Samantha Scott