David Hildebrand

First Memory on a bike: Learning to ride at early on I was at my grandfathers and there was a small flat road I’d go up and down on. I don’t remember how old I was, but pretty young. The road was paved but marked with potholes and bumps. I was standing on my bike and hit one which bounced me over the handlebars where I hit my lip on the front tire - that gave me a big fat lip but I was smiling because I was able to ride my bike.

Favorite Part of Being on the Team: As of now, it’s being part of the community and the positive vibe we have. It’s the camaraderie of all the athletes at the events… Everyone jumps in to help out and support each other, and they’re part of helping everyone achieve their goals.

Favorite Post-race Meal: Chicken, rice, veggies and homemade sourdough bread. However the most important part is the snack; my wife packs homemade chocolate chip cookies the post race bag.

Hidden Talent: Hiding my suffering with a poker face

Hometown: Ellington, CT

Date of Birth: February 1970

Make it stand out.

It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business.


Annie Hines


Nathaniel Gervez